

Always fun..

Shopping with Frosso at Southlands Nursery.

Finding some beautiful plants to take back to

West Kelowna.

Crafting and playing Dominos with Claire.

Weekends come and go so quickly.!



Happy Easter weekend.

It has turned out to be quite a nice weekend.

We have seen the sun peek thru the clouds a couple times this week.

I hope wherever you are,

you are enjoying a good weekend surrounded by family and loved ones.

A few chocolates to enjoy wouldn't be a bad idea as well!



Wonderful weekend in Vancouver...

Staying for a couple days with Frosso.

Seeing her beautiful garden, visiting and catching up with old friends.

Spending the weekend with Claire,

Jeremy and Julie.

Baking cupcakes, reading, walking, taking lots of photos,

playing together, watching her at her karate class,

going out for dinner,

bath time, bedtime,

good morning snuggles.

It was a really special time.